Having recently joined the team at Cloudinary, it's brilliant to be able to start leveraging ~~their~~ our amazing dynamic media APIs.

Here is a live example using srcset and Dynamic Media served by Cloudinary: {% assign image = page.Cl-image[0] %} {% include srcset-and-cloudinary.html %}

Code Changes Needed

In my front matter (in _config.yml) I added some new site-wide defaults and configurations relating to Responsive Images (and Dynamic Image requests):

#srcset, sizes and dynamic media related
cloudinary_base: "//res.cloudinary.com/benseymourcom/image/upload/"
default_width: "1000"
sizes: "(min-width: 1020px) 60vw, 90vw"

  - 600
  - 850
  - 1200

Then in my blogpost itself, I pass in some front matter details of the image to be used:

Cl-image: - imageref: Butterfly.orig.jpg alt: Butterfly, fluttering by. Powered
by Cloudinary ---

and at the appropriate place in the post, call the array index of the image and then pass this into our relevant _includes file :

{% assign image = page.Cl-image[0] %}
{% include srcset-and-cloudinary.html %}

The contents of the 'srcset-and-cloudinary' include file can be seen below, but it's main purpose is to set up the responsive images code, and to leverage relevant image commands, such as setting the width 'w_600' etc, and to also leverage the rather wonder q_auto and f_auto commands to automatically optimise the compression and iamge format, and now that every image variant will be generated instantly as needed.

Here is the full includes file.

{% raw %}
  src="{{ site.cloudinary_base }}/w_{{ site.default_width }},q_auto,f_auto/live/{{ image.imageref }}"
  sizes="{{ site.sizes }}"
  srcset="{% for width in site.srcset %}{{ site.cloudinary_base }}/w_{{ width }},q_auto,f_auto/live/{{ image.imageref }} {{ width }}w{% if forloop.last == false %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}"
  alt="{{ image.alt }}"
{% endraw %}

Within my Cloudinary account I have setup a folder mapping to auto-upload any referenced file on this server to automatically ingest it into my account and to the immediately optimse both the compression and format of the image and to then serve back via Cloudinary's CDN.

Any questions - I'd love to hear from you on twitter @bseymour